Just passing thru’

Curious if Miss Kerry has figured out that just because you're a White Hat doesn't necessarily mean you're not a POS.

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Lots of pride in the history of Fort Bragg. Changing its name to Fort Liberty has not sit well with those in the know. Haven’t there been a lot of unexplained deaths there? Dark Forces have a lot to answer for. Kerry is on to some big connections and sinister machinations here. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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The infiltration of our military hit its zenith during Obama’s first and second terms when he fired all the generals that wouldn’t sign a statement that they would fire upon American citizens.

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there is obviously recruiting ongoing in our military and I suspect

for some time

It is my earlier observation that we have been infiltrated by

those who not only betray the oaths they took but seek to

assist in the overthrow of what we hold so dear

Between THIS and the politicization of senior general/flag officers

who have chosen rank climbing instead of their oaths

WE are in deep trouble

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