I believe that there is a very big under-estimation when it comes to the so called good and bad of humanity.

As an example it is not difficult to understand that humanity does not love humanity, dispute the loving courage of farsighted and a minority of humanity who offer the encouragement to unify.

Just take Australia for example. Last financial year 2023 / 2024, the Australian government allowed 187,000 immigrants in to Australia ( which apparently the more they allow in, the more money they gain from who, ??????) Did Australia’s government do a check to see if they could actually house that many people, ( who knows)

But they allowed them in and created Australia’ housing crisis which is worse than the end of WWll. The Australian government threw their own people out into the street, (people who had reached their rental lease, or the owners of the house sold it or they ( seen the super desperate situation of a massive housing shortage and put their house rent up by over $100 to $300 a week). Now tell me if humanity loves humanity. Most of humanity are just low life filthy greedy scum. And that is a fact, anything to make a buck, look at all the scammers.

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No matter what you think about the future of Humanity, it's going through the process of Awareness and Understanding.

And nothing will change for this to happen.

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There is a large difference between what is "subservience" and what is "humility". The coming of benevolent ETs is part of Divine Intervention occurring before us all now. The Urantia Book refers to them as "divine personalities" and the Bible KJV refers to them as "sons of God". Respect & humility is the order of the day and the position of power to take in collaboration with our off-world brothers & sisters. "Whereas innocence used to be humanity's Achilles Heel, it now stands as the royal road to the victory of truth over falsehood." David R. Hawkins

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Just like I said, White hats are the same as the black Hats or else the world would be different.

The Electric would be down in costs per month, gas and food wouldn't skyrocket through the roof when going to the grocery store. And I would be meeting testimonies everywhere of children being saved. And Crime rate would be non-existence. Juan O Savin is where the money is at with the drug cartel, because why would he try to reason with the Darkside in Antartica, unless he is one of them. Again, prove us wrong Juan O Savin.

Maybe Courtney Brown is more reasonable alongside Kerry Cassidy.

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The ET's should go through our positive Space Force and CIC Trump to be introduced to the people in an official manner - NOT just flying large spaceships over cities!!!

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The ET's should go through our positive Space Force and CIC Trump to be introduced to the people in an official manner - NOT just flying large spaceships over cities!!!

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To all of humanity that remember the days of old, I make this plea to those who remember what it was like without AI. There is one way and one way only to rid humanity of all this filth. Re-incarnate every single low life that has lied to humanity and kept secrets of highly important issues. Re-incarnate all those involved in the COVID-19 fraud, from top to bottom, re-incarnate all politicians and war mongers world wide, all corrupt public service participants. Just do it, do it now.

Why, because they will re-incarnate you if we don’t. Fact

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To Jacki and Leonie, please know that each re-incarnation, you chose, you are born onto Terra, whole and complete divinity of being, please ask yourself, WHAT IS IT I AM BEING. You came here not only to learn, but also to remember. You like billions of us was offered a distortional educational conditioning, that you have shed many tears about it’s sadness. We the Arkeyian will offer you the knowledge of That which be I, the knowledge of Cicada’s entrance.


Pilotlight of the Arkeyian people

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Hello Jacki, hello Leonie, thanks for seeing rather than just looking. That which be I has known about this coming participation since I was 5 years old, that was 60 years ago. That which be I, is a sleeping abductee that finally gained the opportunity to fit the last of all the jig saw pieces together in 2014. Believe me, we have never been sleeping, we have been searching for answers to what happened to us, and as I now understand there has been literally 10’s of thousands of us that were abducted worldwide between 1965 and 1982.

That which be I, is Pilotlight of the Arkeyian people, I have been abducted 12 times that I can remember, the 12th abduction they attempted cranial surgery on me, and I revolted ( my soul revolted = the real me) and botched the surgery Procedure, they placed me back with needle marks all over my right arm and left leg, and a Hugh jelly like lump on my rear scalp, which I pushed down on and an orange cream like substance poured from this lump, like orange shaving cream. ( I went into total freak out mode for 3 hours.) The bad ET’s that are here are very real, please exercise caution, yet with no fear, if you have a face to face with any of them like I have. I have been aboard one of their motherships, and witnessed a lot of humans held prisoners on board, they put me back on earth, because they fear me now, as they did not know how I accessed their craft. They have had many opportunities to kill me, but have not done so, because they know who That which be I is, and that is why they abducted me so many times in my pre-teens, teens and 20’s, it is because of the amount of activated DNA strands I was born with. That is why they searched through 10’s of thousands of us, to find the most active out of 12 strands. I threaten them in my 50’s with these words. There is no country on this planet that hold a law, or states that I cannot re-incarnate your distorted beingness. If it bleeds you can kill it. They weren’t to happy about that.

Please understand that they have had at least 80 years to hybrid themselves, and have slithered into many high ranking positions within our workforce worldwide. We the Arkeyian people, invite all those of Diamond Sun body vehicle, to join us, and we will offer you the knowledge of the Arkeyian.

If you seek accuracy and purity, read the 2 books that Ashayna scribed, known as Voyager 1 + 2, I know her words are pure as I have seen, and experienced many things that are spoken about in these books.

Careful with the distorted ET’s they will take you if you Fear them. Fear cannot enter into Love, as fear only ever attracts fear. Pick up the sword of courage dear sister’s and wield it.


Pilotlight of the Arkeyian people.

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Starlato@icloud.com, an elite evolved militant unit has destroyed all alpha leader white males age 40-50

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That which be I, is Pilotlight of the Arkeyian people, Premagenture of original founders Yanasai, 11:11 Angkor E.A.A.E EARTHGUARDIAN. Man with no name. Cease looking and Commence Seeing, Cease listening and Commence Hearing. That whjch be I, comes with the entrance of Cicadas at Wollumbin

( Mount Warning = European name)

The Rainbow Serpent is here. Western Australia is our Commencement landing.

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Not sure what you mean Peter? What is the rainbow serpent? I live in Western Australia near Mandurah (75ks from Perth).

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The rainbow serpent you will find in Australian Aboriginal dream time story’s. What you find is what they will allow you to see

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Hey! someone tell me where on Substack are the posts Kerry writes only for her paid monthly or yearly subscribers? tia, all!!!

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Bring it on! About time

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How do we know if this lines up with Blue Beam? An important consideration…or not?

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