A powerful and profound writing, thank you. Our human souls are not vengeful. In essence, we are loving beings and must remember that we have come here to remember that we and our egos are not one and the same. Our egos may desire revenge but our souls know we are all manifesting this learning place, and if we let our egos rule, we have not used this experience on Earth as well as we might have. I agree - let us come together and all laugh at the predicament we have manifested, and let us fix it together.

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That resonates on a very deep personal level for me. Thank You Kerry!

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Kerry, you are one of the few left who honor freedom of the press. I commend you for the way you handled this Pascal interview. Your observance of fighting fire with fire is not the elemental best way to remove the malicious evil that threatens the Good throughout the Universe. I know you are right at the core of my being. Thank you for all you do.

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All sides need exposing. It is obvious to many that we are pawns once again! Deals have been made without our consent! Where is total freedom? Where is truth? We command both now!

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Well said Kerry. So sick of all these games they are playing without our consent!

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Kerry, very well said. ‘Okay…let’s do this’ says this is what’s happening behind the scenes. That all parties are sitting around a table discussing. I think you’re right that it’s time for we the people to hear the TRUTH. So more of us can participate in focusing our consciousness toward effective solutions.

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Totally agree. Sick of it

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Very well said - my thoughts exactly. How long has this to go on? The longer it goes, the more people get divided en loose all hope of even living. I see more and more people who are aware of what’s going on lowering their head and tending to become asleep again for there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I see the curve going down of the amount of people who have the strength to fight and to pick up de shocked still sleeping people when they realize the brutal reality. I think the time for a soft wake up is over. We need disclosure now!

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Kerry, I would like you to come in my show- I will have Oksana Buchanan ( extraordinarily gifted telepath and remote viewer), Mathew Brandau aka Jack Frost of ‘Okay…Let’s Do This ( who you recommended after his Antarctica remote view ), Sonja Testerman of Tree of Knowledge ( extremely clear minded remote viewer ) and Dr Sharnael Wolverton Sehon ( ex Montauk, excellent multi level naturopath ) and James Rink ( secret space programmes)-

To discuss the future of our children.

Nothing is more important.

You can reach me here or isabelaimee@icloud.com Dr Isabel Aimee

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Yes, we have to up the ante...to galactic standards. We have to do better....be better. What did Einstein say....insanity is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result.

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@Assassination report based on Enemy/Kill list with out death certificate

Check on who kills who to avoid confirmation bias including Clone in pursuit of justice to restore public trust in justice system and abuse of authority under cover of diplomatic immunity


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gpms.world - infrastructure, by individual consent, to bring abundance, peace & freedom to everyone...

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Well spoken...

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Well said Kerry. I agree with you absolutely. It's sad that many of us don't know & don't want to know, shrugging off any innate rights that we are born with. I'm here because I persist to find out the truth. I support the white hats & Trump because they seem to be the only choice at the moment. I also want to have a feel good moment after these years of absurdity. My motif is always in this order: truth, then freedom. "The good guys" owes us a lot of explanation, and they definitely don't have the right to represent us.

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I have been taking notes on Courtney's projects for several months now and posting them, but the non-public ones behind a pay wall, as we both need to make a living.

What Courtney is discovering parallels what Hubbard discovered in the 1950s, by the way. And it also matches the the data given in Alien Interview. Courtney has looked at several events that occurred after Hubbard stopped working (1980s) so his information is valuable, particularly regarding current events.

My group is surviving by putting our heads down and just working on our own spiritual freedom. We pay as little attention as possible to politics. We have members on both sides of most major human conflicts happening on the planet right now.

We keep our distance from the ETs. But someone eventually will have to confront them. Sean's stories encouraged me that we had figured out how to do this. But I have heard no other "insider" or remote viewer duplicate those stories, so I wonder about them.

If we want our freedom, we cannot fear death, that's for sure. But really some of us - as many as possible - need to learn the basics of operating without a body, and this is not an easy thing to learn or practice. They have technologies that can mimic this ability, and they may even have some people who can do it. So they have a technical advantage, as well as strength of numbers. If the "good ETs" are really willing to fight with us and defend Earth - at least keep it going for a few hundred more years - that would really be great and is very much needed.

I don't know what to think of this whole "ascension" business. It doesn't come through on any of the lines I rely on the most for accurate information. It has a false religious ring to it that makes me suspicious.

Same thing for the "white hats." They seemed to be real. We had Drake doing podcasts a few years ago. We had all the Q drops. We had Trump coming out of nowhere telling us that our government is very corrupt, which we were all aware of. But nothing seems to move forward from these people. Trust the plan? I know what plan I'm trusting, and it's not their secret plan, though I do hope whatever they end up doing will prove helpful.

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