Thank you, Kerry Cassidy, for saying what MANY OF US think--

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I became tired of Juan's rhetoric a long time ago. As far as I'm concerned, it's a waste of my time to listen to him. People need to be direct, say what you mean and mean what you say.

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Yes Thank you Kerry, as Standup Thinker said, this charade has to end!

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Second note: I’ve followed O’Savin for about a year now and I’ve found listening to him calming— but it’s obvious to me, and perhaps everyone who listens, that there’s a kind of mental torture he lives with, daily— he seems desperate to unveil, to speak; he comes across as a man starved to reveal himself, his life, but for whatever reasons (protecting himself, protecting the knowledge he seems to have) he’s chained to the half-true, the blurry, the fuzzy. To me, talking incessantly but having to mute the truth and talk around truth and details of the truth seems a kind of mental torture.

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I can’t help but think that there are not now- nor have there ever been - any white hats or white hat army. There is no PLAN. I think we’ve all been played and that sadly, Juan is just part of the psy op. And we are sitting ducks -listening to and depending on false prophets like Juan who is no more than a carnival barker.

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Its all real. and Operational. You can be in denial but eventually it will be obvious.

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Well spoken, seems like such bullshit. Starting to sound more like controlled opposition all the time....

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I have always expressed controlled opposition perspective-thank you!!

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Kerry, I love your Divine Feminine Warrior Mother approach. I think you are amazing and right about why Jauan will not allow you to interview him but lets Nino do a "nothing burger" 'male buddy"show! Nino clearly worships Juan OSavin I hate to say and has never really done a real professional interview on anyone unless that person is a professional interviewer herself, YOU! Bravo for saying it right out Kerry. I love ya YAH YAH Sistah, Sharon

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Nuks have all ! Bin disarmed by Galactic Federation, so it’s about fear porn 😉

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We are reliving the timelines of of previous home worlds, which exploded if you aren't familiar with that, and all of our soul group who lived in one or more of those timelines are here, now, but this time, we will finally bring consciousness into the light, and integrate. The feminine divine consciousness (ether, darkness, the moon, creative source, nurturer, judge), with the masculine photonic plasma (light codes, motion, spark, the sun and plasma, the Body Electric). Instead of the WEF uploading our brainwaves into the tech grid, we are going to anchor consciousness into the photonic light. I mean, I'm no dummy, I live 25-ish miles east of a nuclear power plant, so I have my iodine pills. But, I refuse to be consumed by fear. That is how you feed the monsters.

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Well said Kerry, stopped listening to Juan and Nino quite some time ago. Only watch when you are on there. Thank You for being direct and caring about all of us.

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somewhat as you are alluding to, just like the puppets bickering back and forth in the House and Senate, puffing their chests out acting like they are getting things done, when in fact it's the exact opposite and illusional front out the people... my conclusion is all sides have been so bought off, bribed and threatened to such extent by the hidden demons they are all just kicking the can down the road while a Deagel.com 2025 event actually occurs precipitated by those very demons who've been hiding in the shadows for aeons...

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Because everything on the surface is is monitored, is this'white-hat" diversion- hoping people wake up to their own reality that They create their own reality and ask themselves,"now why would I create this ?" And take responsibility to live in what world they would create given We are co- creators???

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107 is leaving me with a bitter taste lately and with more questions than answers, as I also tire of his biblical ramblings ad nauseum. I am not altogether sure this guy is the JFK Jr. you hope for either. But, with that aside, thank you for Kerry for speaking what many of us think as well....

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I hope they read that too. They are allowing thousand of innocent people going about their day to be annihilated?

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Thank you, for saying what we all believed, I gave up on the white hats saving us 2 years ago, they could even be the anti-christs, we don't know, we can't tell by their action, or their double talk, I'm starting to believe they are the new one world order, there is no truth with any of them, just more misdirection and confusion. The worrisome civil war staring, will end as soon as the illegal soldiers who crossed our board are active, so go ahead let it be done and let's get it over with, the United States we once new is no more, thanks for the opportunity to vent, much love ot you Kerry

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It is Problem Reaction Solution, those who make the Problem get begged into solving the problem through the person's consent. We are living in the biggest Cy-ops and convert operations bigger Project Artichoke and Project Trust, of course we know about Project Paper Clip during WWII on these information wars, so we can be bated into falsehood. The white Hats are Playing with the Black Hats through infiltration, so we real don't know who is really winning and who is the bad guys.

I also wander about mind control devices, when I see like Mike Gill go after Cassidy about believing in Juan. Kerry is still not discredited from the other info, of countless years. Again, truthers going after truthers. Because truthers tell lies or cover up truth like Juan O Savin Does. IF more people are on board, than, this country could be saved, but 107, is part of the problem by not telling. So, his information is more bait and switch.

Now you have the Red Hats and Grey Hats according to Real Raw News. I hope there is something, because it is easy to send in national guard to a protest; setup by Nazi Goerge Soros on College Campuses, against Israel. Then the protect the border. Again, double standards! Of course, this was to see who was against Soros, to take out the opposition. Yep! Hard to explain within a few words, read a few times and research.

Again, power struggle even among Q team, and the Annons, I believe were one team broken into two. Maybe they are the Red Hats and white Hats. Story goes, Reds were part of the whites, and thought the whites were taking too long. So, they are taken matters into they own hands to take back America for the good. Another rabbit hole.

Again, those in special ops need to do what they need to do, if they can save this country. I am thankful for those that are, but we need others onboard.

We are in the midst of a silent war, as I have said for many years.

I don't trust General Flynn, Juan O Savin, and Nino.

I do trust a lot of people, but anger also clouds people's judgement like I see with Mike Gill.

Again, truthers attacking one another Like Nino did to Mike Gill and Gill did go after Kerry and so forth.

Jones is a Zionist CIA so you only can listen partly. ETC.

Kerry and Icke are the ones which make more sense at this point. There are a few others, which write books like David. I forgot the other names.

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