Anunnaki is the name of the races descending from the beings on Sirius A. When a race ascends to a higher frequency, the souls who aren't ready have to go somewhere, so other planets are colonized.

"From the original Sirian civilization, many other secondary civilizations have developed that have relocated over time to other planets and other star systems. Most of them, however, have settled near the Canis Major constellation, especially in the Orion constellation and the star systems of Orion’s Belt. The mistake made by contemporary authors was to confuse one of these secondary civilizations that spread throughout the galaxy with the original Anunnaki civilization on Sirius A." - Radu Cinamar (https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2023/07/31/appendix-who-are-the-anunnaki/)

One Sirian offshoot civilization (which seems to have been hybridized with reptilian genes) came to Earth to carry out genetic engineering on behalf of the Draco. These human-reptilian hybrids are what we know from the Enuma Elish as the Anunnaki. ("Who Are the Anunnaki" https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/06/15/who-are-the-anunnaki/)

The beings from Sirius A engineered the human race from primates, and they have a relationship with mankind's spiritual father, YHWH, or Huvah, as he is called in The Only Planet of Choice. The conflict between Lucifer and Huvah accounts for the hatred of "Semites" among the bloodline families and the Nazis, who are all Satanists. (Hitler was a Rothschild, a false Jew.)

The so-called Anunnaki (the reptilian ones) began tampering with man's genetics only very recently, in ancient Sumer, yet they boasted that they had created mankind. (See "The First Reptilian-Human Hybrid in Ancient Sumer" https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/the-first-reptilian-human-hybrid)

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so hopefully donald narshall is crazy, and ‘juano savin’ ain’t, eh?

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thank you so much Kerry. It is truly and powerfully horror to think of! It takes all kinds and I personally keep my ivermectin close at hand.

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May 3·edited May 3

There is something wrong with the name Lucifer.

Because he is not in the Bible.

The famous quote relates to a Babylonian king which shining has faded away like the bright Venus Morningstar light bringer in the morning.

Jesus is called light bringer also.

It seems to be a disinfo program.

Because the snake in the garden of Eden in the gnostic Secret book of John was Joshua/Jesus.

Because the tree af knowledge brings enlightenment and that did the parasite god not like. Neither did the Romans and todays ruling parasites.

Because Joshua/Jesus rebelled against the evil old testament god who demanded blood sacrifice which he enjoyed and Human sacrifice which he enjoyed as well.

So Lucifer is a construction of a stigmatized arketype the power didn't want. Tabu'ing what divinity evolves and do to man. Women's version is the witch which has to be burned. It's an anti worship of Jesus and Mary.

He was there best but that didn't make him good. We learn. That's of course bs. He is still good, because he is the best culmination of culture to stand up against evil.

Men today should be like Joshua or Lucifer. And Stand up against evil parasites.

See the YouTube channel Morgue for more about this.

So when people pray to Lucifer it must be Jesus.

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SG is conflating the Vril types as you explained. Why? And why aren’t the social media exploding about the creatures? The populace is zombies already!

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Thanks for discussing this topic. It seems that the Vril Force is referring to the Life Force and involves the aether. Perhaps this is why Maria Orsic was reportedly in correspondence with Nikola Tesla. It doesn’t surprise me that Vril would have multiple meanings to cause confusion which is very typical of the spell casting English language. I found this website interesting because it references the white ray:


I’ve heard of Tesla’s violet ray but not the white ray. I wonder how alchemy fits into this whole picture? More rabbit holes to explore.

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Thanks for the clarification on the word Vril! What you put forth is a much more detailed explanation of my basic understanding! Thank You, for a very timely response!

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