"In 1952, a delegation of Breakaway Germans returned to Earth and approached the American government. They signed a treaty that the Nazis would leave Earth alone, so long as the American government gave them 150,000 children every year, in exchange for some technology. The Americans agreed. In 2007, I was one of those children. The Germans also signed similar treaties with various governments in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and East Asia."

– John Whitberg

"Humans for Hardware part 1" summarizes available testimony about USG-alien agreements. https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/humans-for-hardware-part-1

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Thanks! Just for the record any deals made with aliens have always been broken by the aliens... Do you have contact with John Whitberg? I would like to interview him- Kerry

email: kerry@projectcamelot.tv or whatsapp 1.310.279.6769

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John Whitberg published a book, The Man With the Periwinkle Eyes, available HERE: https://ia800301.us.archive.org/28/items/the-man-with-the-periwinkle-eyes/The%20Man%20with%20the%20Periwinkle%20Eyes.pdf

John's email contact is in the book.

John's closest contact is Daniel Sala, Saint Olga 69. You can view Daniel's email here: https://www.youtube.com/@SaintOlga69

Christy Campbell and James Rink also know John.

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Thank you for being on s/s. Just subbed. 😁

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So how do we close the portal leave Aliens and new aliens in the other galaxy, and just clean house here?

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