Hi, I'm new, but bought Rebel Gene about 6 years ago on advice from Gordon Duff of VT fame, now retired. Seems to feel the opposite about Trump. Was curious how the whole "End of Times" and the 12,000 year catastrophe cycle play in this drama. As Yuval Noah Harari once said, "If worse comes to worse, the elites will survive in their bunkers (and tunnels) and you will all drown." The whole thing seems to rest on some sort of treaty that will at least guarantee the survival of 500 million eating bugs and owning nothing and being happy in the cyberworld. Man, this would make a great movie. Ah, look at all the weird movies. Data sure made us comfortable with robots with positronic nets. By the way, if we can create energy by gathering, why don't we gather and express our love for God and Christ Consciousness.

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If the EBS is constructed correctly . . . relating all the truth and nothing but the truth . . . we, as a world society, will, in time, respond positively. Don't under estimate our populace.

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Excellent composition. Well done Kerry.

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Thanks Kerry.

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Amen. Well said

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Well said Kerry, thank God for your insights, so Truth prevail NOW. Kaia

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when in the heat of the battle and you want to win the battle, the Art of War says that all war is based on Deception. why is it OK for the Khazarian Mafia to hide what they are doing and have been doing for the last few hundred years, and it is immoral for Trump, The Q team, etc to not keep their plans secret? You seem to be missing something inside your head that forces you to have a very moralistic regard for Truth and Secrecy that make Trump, the Q team, and the world of "white hats" somehow morally inferior because they don't publish on CNN their plans.

. For the millions around the world that have been willing to listen to Trump and the white Hats and understand COG, there have been many revelations and probably almost no secrets left for you to have "moral qualms" about secrecy.

Perhaps you believe in the evils of secrecy because you have no idea of what the War we are involved in is all about. Look around to see what you might have missed and don't assume you are morally superior if the Art of War demands secrecy and deception.

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Sure pray the "white hats" are reading this too.

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Remember the white Hats work with the Black Hats, since they use the same illuminati space AI.

The Democrats do the crime, and the republicans support the crime with their money trail.

This last line will change in 2024. The Republicans will be the democrats and the democrats will be the Republicans.

Remember too, that the Prey becomes the predator, and the predator becomes the prey.

From what I can see, is the bankers run Gen Flynn, Flynn runs Jesuit Juan O Savin, contracted Neno, which does the Patriot Christian Clay Clark thing, which Flynn paid for. To get others to betray our country.

When someone tells you, you are stupid by not telling you truth, they are the criminal.

Remember Locke and Rand Philosophy gives you insight on my mind, Philosophy by Hobbes is unconstitutional which most people go by.

Trump is another scammer when you see he is for Higher up (33 degree) Masons (Satanism).

He is Zionist wearing white and Blue

Disney is white and blue, Israel is white and blue, Epstein Blue and White, Blue Cross blue shield is blue and white. NIH Blue and White and Trump is the Jew convert as Zionist in 2017 to Mossad which traffics children. You can't criticize the fake Jew, since they are in charge of medical. All the heads. Trump wears blue and white. Tucker wears Ukraine tie colors which are the same as the flag colors.

The new Antisemitic laws can't even have a bible or bring up the decision, or you'll be arrested. Or people from the church will be arrested from quoting the bible.

Again, I am not for the Bible, but I think people should think freely.

Trump is not the promise messiah Christians. I am sorry to break the news to you gently.

Trump even talks about a dome that covers the whole earth he will put money towards.

Trump is to usher in the 15-minute cities, since new jobs required you to relocate on the applications.

Trump is a sellout since he isn't for Philosopher John Locke.

Maybe Trump is playing the poker face, all I know is I am not voting for either candidate, since Trump acts Nuts saying he is going to build a Metal Dome in the earth, he said this in Pennsylvania, few days ago.

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Secrecy may be needed for now but truth needs to be told very soon otherwise it is just two factions fighting for power and neither one is being truthful. Manipulation is manipulation....

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As long as AI is consulted to determine the outcome of timelines then AI will be the only thing determining the outcome of timelines. Think about it. Apparently the White Hats don't have the wisdom and awareness necessary to fight this war. Instead, like the Black Hats, they operate as automatons of AI - that's going to create a 'surprise ending' not for us, the aware and awake who watch this entire thing with bemusement, but for the White Hats who, at the very end, will say 'We never saw that coming!'

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Very well stated Kerry! Thank you.

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Great piece Kerry. To date, this represents my angst best about the rolling-out of things, still in drips & drabs for some of us, dragging on like a Stephen Spielberg movie. Secrecy is a sort of covert state of being sly & sneaky. Trump & the Lions (as in your graphics) don't walk that way, do they? The people can take this and we're ready.

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You Nailed it Kerry ! But I have Zero Faith in the WH or whoever to Lay it all out for the Special Ed. Population. These SE folks are Aarragontly Dumb ! & Proud of it !

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Trump, guns, wars, lies, and murders and Christ Consciousness? Perhaps the secret is opening our moral consciousness with Gaza and all the European Caucasian wars back through time in racial lines. All the people I know want to love each other and listen to birds and watch sunsets and be kind. But the truth causes so much cognitive dissonance that they prefer to live in their sheltered garden. I kinda still believe in ahimsa more than most. To quote Bob M, "Don't fear for atomic energy, because they cannot stop the time." But then all the rock influencers: "a friend of Satan is a friend of mine???"

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