Tks for ALL you do, Kerry. I'm a big fan of you and your work! Bravo

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Keep it up, Kerry! The time is ripe for humanity to grasp the astounding significance of learning who we are and how craftily we have been manipulated.

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NO, aliens/E.T.s. are SATANIC I.T.s.

Read Redfern's book on the Collins Elite.

NON-Catholics Vallee and Keel rightly concluded/conclude UFOs that are NOT human Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) (DoD desperately wants to hide they have) are SATANIC deviltry.

There is a simple test: read King James Bible verses or "Jesus Christ is LORD" to a fake E.T. in a D.U.M.B. where those words are forbidden. The Satanist Pedophile Illuminati Theosophist Evil (S.P.I.T.E.) secret crime society con comes RIGHT OUT OF SATAN'S WITCHCRAFT BOOK as courageous defector John Todd warns:



John 3:16 is THE WAY

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL.

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This is the first time I have seen this article and I totally believe it after all I have seen (ie multiple videos) and heard over the past 5 years or so. ❤️✨

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Did any of them come from Saturn ?

In Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self, C.G. Jung writes "According to Irenaeus, the Gnostics held that Sophia, . . . , in the form of a dove, descended into the water and begot Saturn, who is identical with Yahweh."

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When I was young, growing up in the middle of Operation Paperclip leftovers that had merged in with "normal society", I was accused of "killing Jesus" (I went home and asked my parents what that meant, since I had not killed anyone) and regularly harassed by neighborhood bullies. I remember realizing at that young age, that I was taught different things than most of the kids in my neighborhood and schools, and different religious stories didn't match up. As I got older, it occurred to me that the Christian Bible was full of lies that people had been believing and acting on for 2000 years, and the whole world was littered with these duped people. I then realized that the stories taught in Hebrew school didn't make sense. Things like "we believe in one god", but the word substituted for god was a plural word. Asking about that got me in a LOT of trouble.

Most of my teenage and young adult life would go back to that and wonder how to undo those embedded lies. It was an unimaginable task to break through that spell. I also knew that I would experience a time in life that these things would be revealed during a great poisoning...not really knowing what that meant.

Thank you for helping put my family's 900 year old verbal history, passed down via stories, into an understandable context, that explains what I used to find unexplainable.

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