I just came on board Kerry. Alex Collier recc you. I’ve been reading thru your work. Yep, you’ve got some serious cahones and I’ll support you any way I can. I’m a wake up, be kind, kick ass, repeat…kind of human. Yet…I’m also an activated 1st wave Blue Ray which is increasingly taking over my thoughts, actions & mindset about us terra humans in this here & now. We humans have free-will yet we’ve been manipulated for at least 5k years by advanced regressive off-planet beings so whats going on now is an advancement of status-quo. That’s the bad news. The good news is the jig is up, the psychpath-Cabal humans have over-played their hand and the shit is hitting the fan eh? That’s a good thing as its causation is eliciting awakening of the masses. Benevolent off-planet intervention is underway to assist us yet it is mission-critical to our survival that we, as a collective take full responsibility for our own shit-pile. Having said that, yes we need military intervention yet equally important is each able-bodied human stand ground in whatever capacity they are equipped. As for nukes…not going to happen. Nuclear explosions wreak havoc in the universal time-space continuum so the off-planet “adults” have taken away the “matches” from the children (us). That’s it for now. Thank you, 🙏K

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How can we have military intervention when each branch uses a satanic upside down star as their emblem. Not just military, our cops are free mason satanists. Satanists are everywhere. What military? They run DEW, V2K on kind ethical people - Targeted Individuals. My fam is Targeted and it's sick sick sick. I absolutely cannot stand military. It's screwed up and caused all this insanity. My extended family is high up military and they are all transgender satanists getting paid by we the people to be above the laws. Humans have no rights. Watch the videos of troops worshipping Satan. Most bases have a child sacrificing area - I kid you not. They are satanists so how in the world are they going to arrest themselves? Our military is not ethical. In fact they are the destruction of my country the USA.

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100%, it's time to crap or get off the shitter...

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I am behind Kerry 100%, militia groups, vigilantes and ordinary people with guns will not stand by and wait for the truth to be told and for the "white hats" to step up and stop this insanity now! We have been treated like idiots and children who can't except the truth, which is total BS!

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Juan O is an actor from Central casting to keep naive people submissive and docile dodos.

Trust the plan he says, But nothing happen. If the so calle dwhite hats are in control. Why did they voted for 95 billions to continue the Ukraine war? Why are the migrant still comin in? Why no one really gets arrested? Because it's all fucking bs to keep people passive. No one will save you. People have to do it themselves. That's the real plan: pretend to present you with flase zheros that never get anything done. And now they are starting to talk about red hats to confuse the fools. What a joke. Pretty soon you will have all the colors of the rainbow full woke hats! Sources can be miss informed. So call sources can be decoy. Ever heard of mocking bird?

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On target as usual! What about the Red Hats? Is that another psyop against the people? Bridge psyops?Sick of the bs. Lfg!

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Agree with you 100% Kerry!

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Agree with Kerry 1000%!

Kid gloving anything regarding the DS at this point is wasted energy & not turning this boat around for God's sake! Juan knows the millions of criminals are here & deployed all over our country just waiting for the "green light." Don't hear any solutions about any of this crap & in addition to; no moves to clean out the government is tantamount to COOPERATION, you white hats. Maybe if you were as poor as us citizens living paycheck to paycheck you'd get a clue. I'm sure you have your safe bunkers & tons of $$$$ that you'd be just fine, but not the common people of these United States.

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Derek Johnson keeps track of all of Trump's promises and he hasn't YET touched on this one! NOBODY is talking about this MAJOR PROMISE and it won't even remotely come to pass, on time, if some reversal doesn't happen VERY SOON!!

Trump Rally from Durham, New Hampshire 12/16/23 Transcript | Rev Blog - https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/trump-rally-from-durham-new-hampshire-12-16-23-transcript


This will be a historic victory. By Christmas of next year (2024!!), the economy will be roaring back. Energy prices will be plummeting. The hordes of people charging across our border will have ended. The invasion of our country will have stopped. Will have stopped. We will stop the invasion very quickly....

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Yes Kerry, you are right about this, the people is backing up our CIC DJT and JFK and the whole movement to rescue our country, let's make America great again, under the true and only constitution signed and stablished by our country's patriots in 1776. It's time to act, please do it!

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Kerry wearing her Artemis hat ! is she right? ya bet...I'll say one thing bible, or any other religious writing or not but what about the power of prayer (https://open.substack.com/pub/luclouisdelairesse/p/the-power-of-prayer-versus-weapons?r=1n5lit&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web ), no doubt there is a real value in this and the original intent...seems the Juan/Nino interventions have become hardly anything more than a human interaction where the primitive meets the bright one but the latter is reduced to the messenger not the warrior! For heaven sake, change, ok the eclipses are making this obvious!

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Idiots and children, yes, that’s exactly how I feel listening to JOS! That’s why I normally DONT!

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