Great “wrap up” Kerry. You have a knack for sorting the threads. I hope something good comes of it.

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I still believe that the Creator God is in full control and all will have to answer to this grand Master...even Juan/jr,Trump and the whiteheads. GOD have mercy on us.

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Is it possible to ask ourselves...say the white hats and that bs that Trump is in charge? The White House is locked up? How do we explain the arrest and prosecution of Trump? Trump is living in Florida, which has a great republican governor. He said that he will not permit extradition of Trump to NYC? So, where are the White Hats, and their orange man commander? All the stuff is theater for the sheeple to go to sleep and take some hopeium? Trump is just as a zionist treasonous as Biden. But, we are fat and happy? We watched the yellow vests in France for 6 months, and no marching in DC or NY? The majority moral people of America are dwindling into minority and soon will have the point of no returns.

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Well stated, Kerry!! I have been intently listening to Juan since he came on the scene several years ago. Interestingly, most all of his predictions (some were just inferences) have rarely ever come to pass(!). I no longer listen to him. Armageddon is always a possibility, but I am not adopting it as a statistically valid truth on my timeline. I do not even want to plant that thought in my co-creative psyche. :)

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What all of you don’t understand is that every word you speak creates your reality. I’ll say nothing more. Think about it. God did not create the mind. The fall from Its love created the mind, this matrix, and the only way out of all this is to do the inner work, to dissolve the mind, merging it with your Divine heart. I’ve been spewing the same message for decades and it just doesn’t fit the scenario that the dark want to hear….Best

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Juan/John is a charlatan in my opinion. So many of those on the circuit are the same - zero credibility characters.

Kerry is honest and sincere. God Bless her.

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Spot on Kerry, sometimes I think we are watching a suspense movie... Not sure I'm looking forward to the ending. Please keep on seeing the big picture, the average person is so busy in the weeds and misses the the important parts.

Best Regards, Dan and Ren...

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I've seen no evidence Q is AI or that AI can forecast the future years in advance. It's possible but there's no credible evidence for either.

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Good writing Kerry.

But this I believe the structure of timeline that is hidden.


We saw auroras because the magnetic field was soo weak.

Does that mean that the sun can upgrade our DNA?

And another huge sunspot seems to be coming.


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I am done with 1 of 7. What about the other 6. The front man scare tactics are finally way over the top. Take your nukes and shove them where the sun don't shine.

7 of 9 was rehabbed, can 1 of 7 be also?

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The Islamic belief of God is the correct one; it's pure monotheism. God is not human, has no partners, is all knowing, all seeing, and is all powerful. Humans are not born with sin. Also God created this life for everyone of us humans and jinn of free will, and this life is a test. Koran states we were created to become vicegerents on earth and we need to take care of each other through good deeds/actions, give in charity, love our parents, etc. We have to have the correct belief, belief in God all his prophets/messengers/angels, and believe in judgement day. In Islam, you don't automatically go to heaven bc of belief. You have to do righteousness and your good deeds need to surpass your bad ones. Allah is very loving and merciful and forgives sins as long as you repent. In Islam, the Shaytaan is a fallen angel aka Jinn. God is all powerful. Muslims believe that there are two creations with free will: jinn (who are made of smokeless fire) and humans (who are made of clay). Shaytaan was amongst the Jinn, but when God told him to bow down to Adam, Shaytaan refused out of jealousy and arrogance. Shaytaan thought he was better than man because "I am better than him [Adam]. You created me from fire and created him from clay." As a result he is condemned to Hell. He then made it his mission to tempt and try to bring down mankind with him to Hell out of a sense of rage, jealousy and vengeance.

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David Wilkerson, Demitru Duduman and Henry Gruver all gave prophetic messages years ago about a nuclear strike to the US years ago. One of them said it would be by Russian submarines off the coasts.

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The Juan/Nino circus is frustrating to listen to. If I want to hear Juan talk, I'd rather listen to him talk to Jaco, or Grundvig, for example. Juan himself has made a distinction between the various audiences of each Podcaster that he addresses. I'm not so sure he isn't offering misinformation at times, because we are in a war. 5GWF.

Some truthers are saying that DC, the Vatican, city of London, etc., will be eradicated. Will they? I don't know, but given the preemptive programming we are treated to in films and mini series, I won't be surprised by anything. Here are some examples:

.Designated Survivor, tv series 2016-2019

.Amerika, tv miniseries 1987

.Independence Day, movie 1996

.Bricks and Balls, digital game featuring White House on fire, put out the fire, on Google Play store

.South Park, various episodes

Deepwater Horizon explosion April 20, 2010. At the time, there was talk of a movie that seemed predictive of this real life event, but I can't find any reference to it today.

.Amazon head Jeff Bezos is moving to Florida to be near his aging parents. Does that mean something?

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Great song pick, too.

Feels appropriate at this time.

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Thanks so much for writing this Kerry.

Almost a relief to read, especially from you.


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