The white hats have failed. Clearly. They've become a 2nd cabal more intetested in their own legacy than in actually doing what they were supposed to. Messages from Team ET make it very clear that the former white hats are now gray hats. They've dropped the ball aka chickened out.

Their tired saying of it had to be this way only applies to us. We suffered through their inaction while they lived it up - writing books - having big MaraLago get togethers - travelling the world, etc.

Juan is the worst. Obviously a multi millionaire w his car collection yet tries to sell trinkets and overpriced books to all th folliwers - who he knows are broke

Our only hope at this point IMO is an ET intervention. Even if the gray hats finally do something, its way too late. Theyve put themselves over everyone else and should be relieved of duty. But who can do it- just like cabal #1, they hold the power.

Cowards and failures yet they want all the adoration of heroes

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Very interesting, as usual. Thank you for all that you are and all that you do!

Love 'n Light


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White hats, what white hats? All I see is a well constructed plan to control both sides of the war, which is what the cabal has always admitted that they do. Trump has been playing his part and is the cabals Trump card in this game. They have crafted this so that Trump will win the election with a massive supporter base who are so brainwashed they will overlook and accept many things they would never otherwise accept from others.

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President Trump is clearly not the CIC.

If he was he would use the military to seal the borders and deport illegal aliens.

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Unfortunately the claim of "blockchain evidence" is nonsensical. As are claims of "alien AI" or "run by an AI" with no supporting details. A distributed blockchain could ensure accurate results, but only if each eligible voter is assigned a unique address. This was never done. Any blockchain, if not adequately distributed (across at least dozens of independently operated computers) can be manipulated. Where's the source code? How many nodes? In what countries are they located? What's the reward for running a node? People don't burn time and electricity installing and running software for the fun of it. Makes no sense.

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Apparently, his statement was a double tongued statement.

If you watch him as he speaks it there is a pause after he says that if they had 63 million votes that he would win it...then he says that they had much more than that.

And then before he says they lost it by a whisker there is a slight pause with a detectible emotion in his statement which indicates to me that he didn't want to say they/he lost by a whisker.

This is a calculated maneuver to bring in something bigger, a counter active move to the deep state. Maybe a Law of War tactic.

Get me correct here because I do not believe there ANY laws of war that are going to be honored. No deep state entity will ever play fair or follow any rules. And the white hats won't either for that matter, fully aware of the later.

I know these are games and everyone who knows is completely sick to death of it and they know that.

The white hats also know that there is a landslide of people who are waking up and they need to try to stay ahead of that mudslide or unforetold misfortune is about them.

Tell me what we can do about it that we are not already doing?

Collective consciousness, be positive in your thoughts that we are going to pull out of it very quickly.

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A big about face for Trump making him look stupid and a liar . Yeah a great P.R move not ! NOTHING that Juan O Savin or the other Professional Truther Influencers ,Clif High , Simon Parkes Cheeky Charlie Ward and all the others including you Kerry have come true . Why should we believe you ? The time for talk has long gone . There is no Cavalry coming to save us but the PTUs cash flow must continue so the BS keeps coming .

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Absolutely excellent- right on the "gold dime!"

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