
My comments to a viewer re their statements on the above: Wernher von Braun was a Nazi contrary to what Carol Rosin would have you believe.

I don’t trust “archangel Michael”….

But I agree it is up to the military to do the arrests and tribunals…but first we have to get Trump elected and all indications are they want the people more involved…this is why the dark side Kamala steal will be allowed? Orchestrated… who knows.

The Dick Allgire RV session with his viewers was his chosen target of “civil war”… not necessarily an ET choice however the Courtney Brown ET group they are working with seem to think civil unrest if not civil war is necessary to create the mayhem needed for the white hats and the people to take over. This is not my take but theirs.

However I do see Trump being put in place by the military. And I see the election from the dark side being planned for …with a Democratic win and unrest coming from the MAGA side… if the steal takes place (all those illegal aliens have to be here for some reason(!)

I see Trump taking control but maybe not until some things go down…after the election. Maybe March or April.

I have seen an exodus of illegals back over 4 years ago from a dream of the future during April 2020… we shall see.

It is interesting that the viewers see a Kamala win and civil war if not just civil unrest. You need to subscribe to the Future Forecasting group (even temporarily) to view those viewer target results…. Link is on my substack.

Those viewers are almost always right so if they are wrong it will be very interesting.

I am not sure any of us can picture actual civil war for this time… what it would entail.

Courtney’s ETs are adamant there has to be some form of mayhem to take down the grid even temporarily otherwise the Controllers will not lose control over the people!

It’s a mixed bag and what I was doing with my article was taking all the RV sessions at face value assuming they happen as predicted. If they are wrong we need to see how and why.

I see with the latest DOD ruling about deadly force and plans for insurrection by the Dems as a set up by the Controllers expecting their version of events will happen.

I am doing a presentation on this at this Alien Event conference tomorrow. Haven’t had time to decide where I agree and where I disagree… we may be looking at events that are still FLUID and haven’t been decided yet.

One has to figure out if the ETs dealing with Courtney and team are actually the good guys or not….

According to my future dreams (that seem to be coming true) even once Trump is in office our military will be fighting ETs in underground bases….I have seen this very clearly which lends some credence to what Courtney’s ET says about this civil war or unrest will lead to a WAR OF WORLDS scenario where the positive ETs go to battle with the Negative ones… both on and off this planet.

This is all about FREEING HUMANITY and if the controllers manage to maintain control even if Trump gets in using their tech, the negative ET tech and control grid they would maintain the slave system even under seemingly different guises…

Elon (this version) is working on both sides… His neural link and nano satellite grid is part of the negative ET /AI control structure….

So many variables hard to see where this is going.

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MORE ON THIS DISCUSSION RE HOW WE WIN... To be clear I do not and did not think Kamala would win the election. That is ONLY a conclusion reached by the Daz Smith Future Forecasting Group viewing of that target result. I was actually surprised all those viewers think Kamala will win. I am saying that could NEVER HAPPEN unless they cheat. Another election steal. In that case sure she would appear to win but it would be another lie. The article I wrote was putting two and two together from some recent "RV-viewings" adding those target results and where they are headed or correspond to each other. How this plays out may be completely in another direction and they could all be wrong. We shall see.

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I follow The Plan just as you have stated: there must be a precipitating event that is the catalyst for the masses to wake up from the illusion.

I believe in the attempt to at one moment overload the system. I also believe the revelations of the true perpetrators of JFK’s murder and the demolition of the twin towers will be those additional blows which gets all Americans to a point of reflection and recognition that the Media and Government and it’s agents have been manipulating the world into never ending conflict. The slow drip can’t shock the system like an INFORMATION DUMP which answers every question and relieves all paradoxes.

I believe in Courtney. I’ve had a close encounter and know things others can’t believe, I find total resonance with the ideas expressed through Farsight.

Thank you Kerry for your work getting us all here, Rebel Gene laid out so much and in the years since we are seeing verification again and again. Thank you.

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yep...this! this is how it needs to go down. all this pussyfooting is ridiculous

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Awesome Kerry

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Thank goodness we have you and the remote viewers to put this all together for us, Kerry!!

I have seen so many towers up all over the countryside and heard what “they” can do with these towers! It is scary!! Trump has to know about this! Hope he’s got the good military ready to deal with all this chaos!! 🙏

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Coming from a Catholic upbringing I switched to the Worldwide Church of God founded by Herbert W Armstrong. This one only does the Seven Mosaic feast days. Moses took the gold box/Ark from the pyramid at Giza before crossing the Red Sea. The 10 Commandments are falsified to over shadow these sacred feasts! Jesus did not die on the cross but got swapped-out by Judas Iscariot. Catholic/Christian Muslim and Jewish religions are all fakes. Time for tribulation has arrived. Join "God's Party" for 2024? ✡️

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Blah blah blah. Humans always reactionary cucks instead of proactive patriots. Humanity deserves extinction

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How did letting the Dems win in 2020 go for the White Hats? Did the people rise up as one to rebel ? Why do they think that letting it happen again will produce a different result ? Now the can kicking has started again . “ Oh perhaps we will do something about in 5 or 6 months time “ Before we know it will be 2028 & nothing will have changed for the better . The White Hats will still supposedly be working behind the scenes waiting for the right moment ( Century ? ) to strike . Action is required now not in 6 months time . “ Let’s see action Let’s see people Let’s see who cares “ .

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They rigged 2020 and have to rig 2024 for the deep state. She can't win without fraud. This might wake up the people to rebel with most military on the peoples side.

I feel that most vaccinated people are living on borrowed time.

Many leaders on the side of evil did not get a real mRNA jab. It will not be an easy out for them like dying in their sleep as many of my vaccinated friends have.

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