MORE ON THIS DISCUSSION RE HOW WE WIN... To be clear I do not and did not think Kamala would win the election. That is ONLY a conclusion reached by the Daz Smith Future Forecasting Group viewing of that target result. I was actually surprised all those viewers think Kamala will win. I am saying that could NEVER HAPPEN unless they cheat. Another election steal. In that case sure she would appear to win but it would be another lie. The article I wrote was putting two and two together from some recent "RV-viewings" adding those target results and where they are headed or correspond to each other. How this plays out may be completely in another direction and they could all be wrong. We shall see.

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My comments to a viewer re their statements on the above: Wernher von Braun was a Nazi contrary to what Carol Rosin would have you believe.

I don’t trust “archangel Michael”….

But I agree it is up to the military to do the arrests and tribunals…but first we have to get Trump elected and all indications are they want the people more involved…this is why the dark side Kamala steal will be allowed? Orchestrated… who knows.

The Dick Allgire RV session with his viewers was his chosen target of “civil war”… not necessarily an ET choice however the Courtney Brown ET group they are working with seem to think civil unrest if not civil war is necessary to create the mayhem needed for the white hats and the people to take over. This is not my take but theirs.

However I do see Trump being put in place by the military. And I see the election from the dark side being planned for …with a Democratic win and unrest coming from the MAGA side… if the steal takes place (all those illegal aliens have to be here for some reason(!)

I see Trump taking control but maybe not until some things go down…after the election. Maybe March or April.

I have seen an exodus of illegals back over 4 years ago from a dream of the future during April 2020… we shall see.

It is interesting that the viewers see a Kamala win and civil war if not just civil unrest. You need to subscribe to the Future Forecasting group (even temporarily) to view those viewer target results…. Link is on my substack.

Those viewers are almost always right so if they are wrong it will be very interesting.

I am not sure any of us can picture actual civil war for this time… what it would entail.

Courtney’s ETs are adamant there has to be some form of mayhem to take down the grid even temporarily otherwise the Controllers will not lose control over the people!

It’s a mixed bag and what I was doing with my article was taking all the RV sessions at face value assuming they happen as predicted. If they are wrong we need to see how and why.

I see with the latest DOD ruling about deadly force and plans for insurrection by the Dems as a set up by the Controllers expecting their version of events will happen.

I am doing a presentation on this at this Alien Event conference tomorrow. Haven’t had time to decide where I agree and where I disagree… we may be looking at events that are still FLUID and haven’t been decided yet.

One has to figure out if the ETs dealing with Courtney and team are actually the good guys or not….

According to my future dreams (that seem to be coming true) even once Trump is in office our military will be fighting ETs in underground bases….I have seen this very clearly which lends some credence to what Courtney’s ET says about this civil war or unrest will lead to a WAR OF WORLDS scenario where the positive ETs go to battle with the Negative ones… both on and off this planet.

This is all about FREEING HUMANITY and if the controllers manage to maintain control even if Trump gets in using their tech, the negative ET tech and control grid they would maintain the slave system even under seemingly different guises…

Elon (this version) is working on both sides… His neural link and nano satellite grid is part of the negative ET /AI control structure….

So many variables hard to see where this is going.

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Almost everything's gone wrong,i think he wins.

It's probably best for America

(and the world)

And I hope he makes it before WW3 breaks out😬

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Honey , we are in a civil war right now.

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Standing refers to the Crown Corporation which controls the Temple B.A.R. in the City of London.

USA still belongs to the British Empire!

Here is the document which explains how this happened....


Standing also refers to Stakeholders, often mentioned by the World Economic Forum.

All living beings are stakeholders in this world but only certain individuals are privileged and consulted as Stakeholders.

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I follow The Plan just as you have stated: there must be a precipitating event that is the catalyst for the masses to wake up from the illusion.

I believe in the attempt to at one moment overload the system. I also believe the revelations of the true perpetrators of JFK’s murder and the demolition of the twin towers will be those additional blows which gets all Americans to a point of reflection and recognition that the Media and Government and it’s agents have been manipulating the world into never ending conflict. The slow drip can’t shock the system like an INFORMATION DUMP which answers every question and relieves all paradoxes.

I believe in Courtney. I’ve had a close encounter and know things others can’t believe, I find total resonance with the ideas expressed through Farsight.

Thank you Kerry for your work getting us all here, Rebel Gene laid out so much and in the years since we are seeing verification again and again. Thank you.

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yep...this! this is how it needs to go down. all this pussyfooting is ridiculous

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Thank goodness we have you and the remote viewers to put this all together for us, Kerry!!

I have seen so many towers up all over the countryside and heard what “they” can do with these towers! It is scary!! Trump has to know about this! Hope he’s got the good military ready to deal with all this chaos!! 🙏

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The only way people will wake up is to realize that they have purposely been divided by religion and government. I look at my family and how we all are divided on religion/politics and yet we love each other. It is so frustrating that no one that is supposedly in control will come out and speak the truth. They would rather play games instead of having the guts to stand up and look foolish in others eyes. So depopulation continues and most don't care because they would rather be on their phones then step out away from the "noise" and play a role in our opportunity to escape this matrix/simulation that supposedly is the hardest "school" of all!

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Awesome Kerry

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They rigged 2020 and have to rig 2024 for the deep state. She can't win without fraud. This might wake up the people to rebel with most military on the peoples side.

I feel that most vaccinated people are living on borrowed time.

Many leaders on the side of evil did not get a real mRNA jab. It will not be an easy out for them like dying in their sleep as many of my vaccinated friends have.

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These false predictions only proves that these viewerd and forecasters are influenved by forces like the astral entities they think are ET, Masters or whatever.

Notice how this guy has become a puppet when they "tell" him to shut up and he does so quickly. You cannot take anything these channelers or viewers for face value.

More fear porn and distractions to make you look outside Your Self! Look a distraction! Look more fear porn! And while you look away to feed these thing with your Attention/ Lfie Force Energy. If humans spent more time visualizing a Golden Age Earth and stop feeding their narrative, then all their psyop would fall appart. But People mental/ego wants to be right and say ho look at this, this is what is coming and beleive it and reinforce its manifestation. That is why they try to control the narrative and diffuse/distract your Attention. They use your own power is used against you. The ego/mind wants to be right so it try to anticipate what is going to happen to feel secure and in control by understanding the environment or events. Unfortunately by believing in a narrative humans are giving power. A real conscious Being will take notice of a potentiality without feeding by the power of beliefs. Beliefs give power to the manifestation. If people could get this into their heads things would change quickly.

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Dick Allgire is a con man. I doubt he even knows how to remove view.

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International Public Notice: Grey Hats and Nails (Anna Von Reitz)


We don't believe in White Hats. If real White Hats existed and were in control, certain things would be happening that aren't happening, and other things that are happening, wouldn't be happening.

Whoa! Find Your Butts.... A Message for the White Hats (Anna Von Reitz)


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How stupid are these illegals? All this for a small amount of thinking they got their own way.

Right now, we have kids breaking into homes - Reason they are doing the dirty work for the Elite who don't want to appear guilty.

Cops not turning up when called, same reason.

Hospitals culling - same reason.

C-19 did a lot of it - same reason.

Military doing the same - same reason.

Now for the final chapter - wake you jerks who do the dirty work of the Elite - You are all next to be eliminated as you are now expendable. You have assisted in the culling, now its your turn to die!

If any of these people think they will be "saved" when the climate goes awry, sorry you won't. Some Ministers, Government Officials, Cops, Doctors, Military etc will be left out in the cold.

I have seen this coming and I have been shown even more of the future and when people say - get right with God now, I am believing this to be right, as there is no one else who can help.

If you are unsure - think on this.

"I would rather believe there is a God and find out there isn't, than not believe and find out there is!

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Sentient World Simulator I think this is the project looking glass

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Kerry check out the Sentient World Simulator I think this is the project looking glass.

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Kerry check out the Sentient World Simulator I think this is the project looking glass.

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DECREE “End of the Film” – That’s enough!

https://bewusstseinsreise.net/dekret-ende-des-films-jetzt-reichts/ (German)

Wake up White Hats!

Wake up Mr. Trump!

Get out of the Religious Matrix!

A Wake-up Call from “German” souls on behalf of all those who resonate with it.

We keep hearing that Humanity must wake up before Enlightenment can take place so that Civil Wars do not occur.

If the White Hats were concerned with avoiding Civil Wars and instead winning the People over to the Truth so that they become aware of the Situation, why do People not watch enlightening Documentaries?

And why are Civil Wars now being allowed, starting in England, that could have been avoided if Intervention had been made earlier and if the People had not been shown such a blatant “Wake-up Film” that caused them to clash in the first place?

Or is it not a film at all?

Since when are Migrant attacks and Knife murders a Film?

Why have the Talmudistic executions of Muslims in the Gaza Strip been a movie for 10 Months?

How long are you going to keep selling us the Myth of the "necessary Awakening process"?

Who asked Humanity before whether they agreed with all the Deep State Manipulations that have

conditioned them and put them into a conscious Coma?

Who made them aware of it?

When have they ever been able to consciously decide for or against it?

And now that they are even being chemically sedated from all Directions around the clock, should they themselves bear the Responsibility for having succumbed to it and should they themselves find their way

out of the multiple snares of deception?

Now that Everyone already has several Chips and Implants and Vaccination Software and is being Mind-controlled across the Board, while they have to toil every Day to raise the Deep State Money and to feed

their Families.

Now that they have been shattered by the divisive Propaganda of the Plandemic and no one dares to tell the Truth anymore.

Your ambiguity is crowned by the Effort on the one hand to save the Children of this world from Pedophiles and Adreno Hunters and at the same Time allowing Children who live in Safety to be pumped full of Poison on an almost unfathomable scale through Vaccinations alone.

The way they are slaughtered in Gaza and on other War fronts is so Pathetic that as an Adult you can no

longer bear it.

And now, Mr. Trump, you want to support the Israelis to end Gaza?

Why not the Palestinians?

You certainly cannot change the Goym-murdering Talmudists with your Efforts! (Or was it just one of their doppelgangers who was taken over by DS-KI when he announced this?)

This brings us to a Point where it is about the Mindset, the Spirituality, i.e. the Connection of the Human

Spirit to the one Great Spirit of the Source of all Being.

Did you miss it?

The contradictions, or should we say the schizophrenic Views on Child Rescue or Civil War, as described above, point in my Opinion very much to the Spirit of Yahweh, the Spirit of Elohim from the OT and the Inventor of the Talmud Rules.

-> https://bewusstseinsreise.net/paul-wallis-ueber-die-bibel-und-die-elohim/

I am not saying that the White Hats are playing a dirty game, but that their belief in Jesus and his Father,

who is Yahweh, for whom he cleansed the Temple and whose Laws from Deuteronomy he defended,

has led them astray - this must now be corrected as quickly as Possible!

-> https://bewusstseinsreise.net/das-politische-christentum-exposed/

It is time for you to finally find out which God you really serve and to wake up from the Religious Dream in

Order to leave this 3D Religious Matrix and political Zionism as quickly as possible.

-> https://bewusstseinsreise.net/vertraege-in-den-religionen-erkannt-und-geloescht/

We are turning the Tables and demanding that the Organizations mentioned reflect and wake up so that

global Liberation can finally continue.

We on the Consciousness Journey Team have done everything we can for Years to make this Awakening possible:

The evil Spirit is in the Bottle and is dying - it will die if you stop giving it Energy!

-> https://bewusstseinsreise.net/befreiung-2/befreiung/ (German)

We've had a Storm over us for long enough - We now want a Wind of Change

Please note that the following demands are directed at the White Hats, Q and the Commander-in-Chief

of the Alliance Military, and only for the end of the "Film", i.e. immediately.

This is not a Catalogue of Measures for the New Era.

The decree is in the Quantum field and can be Reinforced by you.

DECREE "End of the "film" That's enough!

To be carried out by the Q group under JFK, EARTH ALLIANCE, SPACEFORCE under the original Donald Trump and the WHITE HATS

On behalf of all Awakened, conscious heart People who resonate with the following Demand, we in the Consciousness Journey Team decide Today that the Liberation of Humanity from the Slavery of the Cabal/Elites/DS has now reached a tipping Point at which it is Possible to turn the Tables without

there having to be Civil Uprisings.

We were patient long enough to wait for those who could not wake up and understand.

Yes, they were heavily manipulated and drugged. But they also had enough Time, more time will

not change their Consciousness now.

It is time for this "Film" to end.

We therefore demand the announced educational films on TV and a takeover of the Media, which should no longer be a Problem at the moment, the immediate Exposure and processing of the worldwide Fraud and genocide of Humanity.

This is their last Chance. And if not, then it will work without them.

They are not the only ones who have fallen Victim to the Info War and the vaccine Weapons.

We demand an end to Election events and a Takeover of the last Enemies in all Areas of life.

Military deployment of the Alliance worldwide to clean up all Offices and Depose all democratic corporate Governments.

Deployment of GESARA (or similar law) with the requirement for new Elections from the People.

We also demand COMPENSATION for the immense Damage that has been done to us health-wise,

financially and above all Spiritually.

We demand MED Beds and the Release of new and old prohibited Remedies, as well as the

unbureaucratic approval of new medical Technologies.

We demand the Release of our collateral Accounts.

We demand the Deletion of all nonsensical Deep State Laws.

We demand an End to Censorship and Fascism.

We demand the Release of Free Energy Devices and Technologies and the free use of all constructive Patents and Knowledge.

We demand an end to all Measures that harm People!!!!!!

(>Transhuman, Medical, Genetic Engineering, Mind Control, Environment, Food manipulation, Poisoning of People, Animals, Air, Water, Plants etc.)

We have been waiting for all of these measures for 4 years now and during this time Great Damage has been done to People, Animals and the Earth.

Is it really still worth it?

Instead, People from the Population are waiting for the Opportunity to start their Projects for the benefit of Humanity - these must now be supported immediately.

Damage caused by the global artificial disasters and Deep State Wars must be immediately repaired with Machines and financial means or with Replicators.

All hungry and homeless People must be supported immediately.

All Vaccinations for Newborns must be stopped immediately.

Illegal Immigrants must be deported from all Countries, including proper punishment for Rape and Murder.

All Migrants will be allowed to return Home so that they can take part in building their own Country.

Source: https://bewusstseinsreise.net/dekret-ende-des-films-jetzt-reichts/ (German)


The Q ALLIANCE under the microscope

Q and the White Hats both came to a good feeling, except for one thing that I will now address here...

The Q group consists of normal American men with weaknesses and mistakes and grew up and conditioned in the matrix of the original creators (the solar cult system) without really being able to recognize them.

They are a military group that has been working on the strategy to free the world from the perfidious global network of the Deep State since the assassination of JFK.

Through their belief in God and Jesus, they were filled with strong hope and courageous to do something against the supposed Satan or Babylon the Great (cabal).

These men have no idea about a belief matrix or even the invisible invaders. They have dealt with much more substantial issues in order to hatch a plan to save the world.

But their belief in the false god also slowed them down and not everything went according to their plan, at least not in terms of time (as a reminder: Q never gave any time information, it was the fans, the Anons, who misunderstood something with the numbers, which were not dates).

You could say that different original creators fought against each other. The God of the Christians is not the same original creator as the God of the Cabal; that is why they fight and censor everything that comes from Q and also infiltrated the Q-Anon channels to ridicule and destroy them by creating divisions and hopelessness.

If Q was a facet of the dark ones that wanted to deceive us, then there would be no point in destroying the information sources.

Source: https://bewusstseinsreise.net/die-q-allianz-unter-der-lupe/ (German)

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