I presume the black hats have remote viewers also. Appears "catch as catch can" kind of situation. This is far bigger than we (movie watchers) are prepared for. Potential outcomes become spontaneous combustion, as far as we are concerned. This is why I am sticking with Kerry who searches for answers and reports her findings. I hope those who can, will fully support her; nevertheless she shares what needs to be shared with everyone she can. There are those who are diehard patriots of many decades who can barely get by right now who need to be kept informed and not excluded from a hierarchy of privilege's. Some payPatriots are getting rich, some are not. Some can give, some cannot. This seems to be the structure of our government as well; the very government we are opposing. In either case, these participants are putting their lives on the line. By all means do your homework and give all you can to those who deserve your TRUST. As far as I am concerned, Kerry's revelations cover not only what is on the ground, but what is going on in Outer Space and how it is linked together. Many movie watchers and most non movie watchers are typical humans who don't believe anything they can't see. Whether it is EMP waves or chemicals in food, water & air or graphene oxide in their blood stream....or Other Worlders & AI; they simply don't want to listen. Not only that, they make fun of the situation and the messenger. Kerry has been putting in long hours of investigation and getting her evidence out there online. I, for one, appreciate her dedication and forthrightness. One has to realize her type of personality has determination to reveal the TRUTH as she discovers it. She is the serious one sitting in the corner evaluating while the gregarious ones hold the attention of the group. I am not singing praises of Kerry; I am just saying it as the way it is. She allows others to disagree with her, which she very capably debates. All I can say is she must be a threat to both the black hats and the White Hats, because I have never seen as many comments as she gets from trolls. The fact she is not affected by this, shows her strong determination for whatever she undertakes to do. A person like Kerry, much like General Patton, wins the battles and not sitting on the sidelines. Again I hope all will support her who can with generous donations for aren't we in this to win the war? (Please note: I do not know Kerry personally, nor have I been solicited to write this comment. I am an old woman who has been avidly doing what I can to communicate with our Source to be one of his many messengers. Since I am unable to give monetary support, I do my best to help those I follow and believe in.)

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Wonderfully written . Kerry is strong

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She is a true hero for humanity. Total agree with your post! One more thing...Kerry has to put up with a lot of scrutiny, yet she stays strong and focused. She gives out true information that literally has saved my family. And she charges barely anything, just enough to get by. She could have been one of the most expensive with her information, but she chose to let everyone afford it. Her website is the costs of a Starbuck coffee. She truly rose to the occasion on this critical time for our planet earth. And she is one tough interviewer! And she is a true female!!! Those are hard to find.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

Juan is hardly a white hat. Those you call white hats are gray hats at best. they still operate in secret with no mandate from the people. Make their own decisions independent of everyone and release zero information.

They are NOT white hats.

And with all due respect a "white hat" wouldnt have a stable of supercars and still try and sell books and coins to everyone.

Juan is part of a 2nd cabal, following their own rules and ignoring the citizens - just like the 1st one does.

Just listen to this explanation of what may be going on. Meeting w dark hats to formulate a plan. We counted on the wrong people. All talk - no action for us. They have comfy lives and its been said by ETs that these gray hats dont even WANT to make changes - cuz they know theyll lose their positions.

I pray this viewer is way off or is seeing a different timeline than ours - because these plans sound terrible.

And then the standard BS line of - I have secret information - BUT - I cant tell you. It might kill people they told me. What if its just info they dont want us to know because its not good.

If this is the kind of info we're getting and relying on - We're screwed. Negotiations?!? Why arent they arresting them or worse?

AI in control and not Galactics? Good grief - I think the dark team has taken over these "messengers"

And then his preaching about family - - this is gross.

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I was disturbed by outright lies he told recently on the Tom numbers interview- made two long comments as INSPIRITION- I KNOW the facts to be otherwise, as I lived them….

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He seems to tell a lot of lies... But, from others we are suppose to push those lies aside and say he's purposefully throwing us all off the true scent of their plans. Beyond frustrating... Kerry is absolutely right ~ get on with the truth ~ let US decide!

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Yes! She is so bold. I got agitated with her a year ago when she interviewed my love and forgot his name ( I think she was intimidated somehow- but he’s not really scary 🤣)- and since then, Ive grown to love and appreciate her more again- I’ve been a fan for decades…Absurd the level of vitriol to her Jay Weidner interview on beyond mystic… I wrote a few comments there as a counterweight!

But, she stands for the feminine voice of intelligence and truth and intuition through spiritual

Connection- making her the first real public figure holistic female.

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What Juan does with the book and cars and the rest just proves he]s human and is not perfect.

Few at any level are 100% of what we expect. If you were expecting perfect it didn't happen and likely won't. Juan filibusters a lot when he talks and likely tells us little as he is in the higher levels of the upcoming govt. All that makes sense.

As for the remote viewer he sounded extremely good to me and appeared to be telling us what he could about what he was seeing. Did he understand 100% of what he was viewing, likely not, nor would we.

To me what he claimed he saw made good sense since ET's are thousands of years ahead of us and who knows what their agenda is.I know I dont.

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It has nothing to do w being perfect. The point is he's rich but still taking advantage of people and trying to sell stuff to people he knows are struggling. I blv theyre called paytriots. Little that he says ever proves correct yet he speaks like no one should question him.

Him and his group act with no mandate from anyone, no input, no info given out. Apparently they have their own secret plan - that hasnt "worked" a lick but again they act like its worked perfectly and no one deserves to know anything.

Theyre not special - theyre just full of themselves and too proud to recognize theyve failed. We havent all gone anywhere together. Theyve all lived it up - theyre rich. We've all lived through hell and theyve done zip to change that.

Remote viewers - if this one sees the so called good guys AND demonic bad guys sitting together and getting instructions from the same source - we are done. If our and our worlds suffering is just a game to those who are supposed to be on our side - then they have no connection to us or our situation and are part of the secret manipulation - not any kind of positive solution.

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According to the compilations of info on AI Kerry has dutifully made over many years now, the elimination or disruption of the vile influence of an 'AI' [Borg entity] is essential to dismantling the collaboration of the elite Globalist dominion of humanity before any substantial progress can be made in freeing Earth from even greater destruction. The mention of the historically redundant presence of Enlil in captivity in this commentary is indeed of great interest. Thank you, Kerry, for persistent investigations into the mysteries of Antarctica.

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So the Ai that was controlling from Mars or Betelgeuse is now turned off and the goodies and baddies all sat in a meeting with another Ai on loudspeaker inside a black cube on the meeting table. Who is this “Other Ai or being from another planet” they are both now working under…agreeing to continue this game until what….we all wake up or perish?

This Ai judges nothing as either good nor bad that either side does but has what agenda for humanity?

What is the story with this entity…that could have vaporised any of them if they stepped outta line……what is it gonna do to the rest of us, how far does this play out and what side is it backing…..

Only more questions….no answers

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Remember the movie "BeetleJuice" ~ subtle hint again ~ about behind the veil.

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Thanks Kerry, but Holy Cow I just don't know what to make of this W-hats and B-hats sitting at the same table getting adjustments to their previous orders in front of each other. Can they hear each others directions? We are entering the deeper part of the Twilight Zone on this one.

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I just want to know what he was talking about with Nino being right...

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Welcome to substack Kerry. I have been tracking your work, but not following you, as some of the information is so difficult to believe, while only a portion of it has been confirmed by good remote viewing (Farsight). So I prefer to follow and rely on Farsight for information that goes beyond the mainstream.

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Whom is your love? She pushes all boundaries and I respect that. I think that her memory gets interfered with a lot bc I think she is getting messed with from outside forces. Just my vibe. Static in the air is strong, especially now.

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Yes- that remote view looks pretty correct to me

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It s naive to think, there are a " THEY " above GOOD and EVIL, not only related to any AI conciousness...

Unless, we are looking at GOD being at least a T(hree)nity.

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Works for me.

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Very interesting. Thanks!

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